Visit us

Welcome to Medical Museion. Buy your ticket and find information about admission, opening hours and other practicalities.

Opening hours
Tuesday-Friday 10am – 4pm
Saturday-Sunday 12pm – 4pm
Monday closed

Adults: 110 DKK
Students: 70 DKK
Children 7-18 years: 50 DKK
Children under 7: free
Free: Employees and students at the University of Copenhagen, ICOM and ODM. Please remember valid ID.
Free admission for companion with presentation of companion card.

Introduction to the museum and exhibitions
Our guides give a short introduction to the museum and our exhibitions. All introductions last approx. 10-15 minutes. It is for free.
Read more here

Guided Tours
Medical Museion has various tours for individuals, schools and groups.
Read more about guided group tours
Read more about School visits

Book your admission here
It is possible to buy a ticket in advance. But you can always buy your ticket at the Museum ticket sales. Please note that online presale tickets are not available for same-day visits.


Corona regulations
Please remember to follow the official corona regulations.
Click here to read stay updated.

Public holidays
The museum is open from 12-16 on all public holidays if these fall on days on which the museum would ordinarily be open.
Medical Museion is closed between Christmas and New Year (23rd December – 1st January both days included).

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
Medical Museion is part of the Sunflower network for people with hidden disabilities. Guests with hidden disabilities who visit the museum can wear the Sunflower lanyard if they want to signal to staff and other guests that they need extra time, patience or help. The museum’s staff are trained to accommodate people wearing the Sunflower lanyard to ensure a better and safer visit. The sunflower lanyard is handed out at the reception at the museum.

The exhibitions are on display in unique historical buildings with many staircases. Unfortunately there are no lifts or elevators as yet.

Museum shop
The museum shop is open. We prefer payment by card or MobilePay”. Cash only on the amount.

Practical information

  • Photography (no flash, please) is permitted and encouraged.
  • No food or drinks allowed.
  • Bags must be left in the lockers provided.

Bredgade 62
1260 København K

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Here you can cancel your tickets.