Uden emne

International konference om biomedicinsk videnskab og teknologi som en radikal udfordring for museumsverden. København 16. – 19. september 2010

European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS) afholder sin 15. konference i København den 16. – 19. september 2010 under temaet “Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums”. Konferencens fokus er den udfordring, den nutidige udvikling inden for biomedicinsk forskning og medicinsk teknologi stiller museumsverden over for. Citat fra […]

European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS) afholder sin 15. konference i København den 16. – 19. september 2010 under temaet “Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums”.
Konferencens fokus er den udfordring, den nutidige udvikling inden for biomedicinsk forskning og medicinsk teknologi stiller museumsverden over for.
Citat fra konferenceannoncen:

The image of medicine that emerges from most museum galleries and exhibitions is still dominated by pre-modern and modern understandings of an anatomical and physiological body, and by the diagnostic and therapeutical methods and instruments used to intervene with the body at the ‘molar’ and tangible level – limbs, organs, tissues, etc.
The rapid transition in the medical and health sciences and technologies over the last 50 years – towards a molecular understanding of human body in health and disease and the rise of a host of molecular and digital technologies for investigating and intervening with the body – is still largely absent in museum collections and exhibitions.
As a consequence, the public can rarely rely on museums to get an understanding of the development and impact of the medical and health sciences in the last 50 years.

Læs mere på http://tinyurl.com/ylx5atx eller kontakt  Thomas Söderqvist, ths@sund.ku.dk.