A long anticipated (and much needed) holiday is growing closer for yours truly. Ten days spent in the hot summer climate of southern France. So … what’s on for this holiday besides eating snails and frolicking in the sun? Well … I’m going to be visiting museums on medical history, of course. As a frequent blogger on the Danish blog of Medical Museion I have made it somewhat of a trademark of mine to review exhibitions at cultural historical museums and I thought that I might try to do some reviews here as well. So besides visiting the ruins of the Cathar castles (the timing is perfect – 2009 is the 800 year anniversary of the Albigensian Crusade) I’m looking very much forward to visiting Le musée des Instruments de médecine des Hôpitaux de Toulouse and Le Musée d’Histoire de la médecine de Toulouse. Just to mention two. Following up on Thomas’ post on lingua franca I can’t help but notice that the lingua franca in France seem to be … well, French and that the information in English is scarce. My high school French isn’t going to do me a lot of good so I’m very much hoping for signs in English. That would be a nice gesture to those of us whose French is lacking. To say the least. Just now I’m beginning to fear that this holiday is going to be spent mostly in dusty museums since there is also a Musèe de la Pharmacie in Montpellier. Well, I guess that’s what being a museum geek is all about.