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Museum blogger defects to Twitter — please come back!

The number of interesting (read: thoughtful and reflecting) museum blogs is growing steadily. One of my newfound favourites is Bridget McKenzie’s cultural interpretation & creative education, started in 2006. Bridget was, among other things, responsible for learning at the British Library before she became director of a consultancy firm that helps ‘cultural bodies’ engage with audiences, use digital technologies and build capacity. Accordingly, her […]

The number of interesting (read: thoughtful and reflecting) museum blogs is growing steadily. One of my newfound favourites is Bridget McKenzie’s cultural interpretation & creative education, started in 2006. Bridget was, among other things, responsible for learning at the British Library before she became director of a consultancy firm that helps ‘cultural bodies’ engage with audiences, use digital technologies and build capacity. Accordingly, her blog is — or rather was — full of useful experience and comments on major trends in the museum world.
Was — because it looks like Bridget has defected to Twitter. Here’s her excuse for not writing a single blog post in the last six weeks:

[Twitter]’s the place where I get feeds from the media tailored to me … It’s where I find out about the latest cultural and digital initiatives … It’s where you can get blog feeds and ideas from people you admire or support, individuals or organisations. My delicious links are growing much faster with the links I’m being fed. … Also, my mind is boggling much more about big issues to do with the environment, science, religion and society. I feel more immersed in the world (or in the web?!) than I ever did before. It’s like being in a giant library where you’re dipping into everything, skipping between the humour, crime, philosophy and art sections, as fast as you can, whilst chatting with other people and sharing what you find.

The argument is pro-Twitter contra Facebook, but that aside Bridget’s Twitter-activity has nevertheless kept her off her fine blog. Reluctantly, she admits there is a downside to Twitter, viz., that she’s “spending a good deal more time online and have spent less time doing personal writing and blogging”. Well, to me that seems like a major loss! Please, come back!