
Museums as public dormitories where all risks are controlled

Museums have become safe houses. Great public dormitories where art [or science?] sleeps after the officials testify that it has earned some rest. All risks are controlled and all rivalries canceled by the professionally cutting-edge and tolerant institution. They tell two stories. They are the official messengers of the mainstream and the dull record of whatever […]

Museums have become safe houses. Great public dormitories where art [or science?] sleeps after the officials testify that it has earned some rest. All risks are controlled and all rivalries canceled by the professionally cutting-edge and tolerant institution. They tell two stories. They are the official messengers of the mainstream and the dull record of whatever has happened to acquire power. But they tell another story: They are documents of the violence of canonization and they reveal themselves as belonging to power and discipline. There is no story of art without a story of cultural division and cultural denigration!

Quoted from The New Futurist Manifesto by Dave Beech, Andy Hewitt and Mel Jordan (The Freee Art Collective).