recent biomedseminars

Next seminar: Solveig Jülich on ‘Scientific research and photo journalism as visual hybrid practices’

The next research seminar at Medical Museion takes place Tuesday 11 April, 2-4pm, when Solveig Jülich presents her research project “Scientific research, photojournalism or special effects? Lennart Nilsson’s visual hybrid practices”. Internationally, Lennart Nilsson is best known for his images of foetuses that were first published in Life magazine in the 1960s and have since […]

The next research seminar at Medical Museion takes place Tuesday 11 April, 2-4pm, when Solveig Jülich presents her research project “Scientific research, photojournalism or special effects? Lennart Nilsson’s visual hybrid practices”.
Internationally, Lennart Nilsson is best known for his images of foetuses that were first published in Life magazine in the 1960s and have since then appeared in numerous popular science books, illustrated magazines etc. In her present work, Jülich investigates the role of visualization techniques and media technologies in the work of Nilsson, and also how and with what effects his scientific images move and circulate between different social and public arenas.
Read Solveig Jülichs abstract here.
Solveig Jülich is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Literature and History of Ideas, University of Stockholm. She received a Ph.D. in Technology and Social Change from Linköping University in 2002 based on the dissertation “Skuggor av sanning: Tidig svensk radiologi och visuell kultur” (Shadows of truth: Early Swedish radiology and visual culture). She has published articles on early scientific and medical photography. Read more about her here.
Place: Medical Museion meeting room, Fredericiagade 18. For inquiries, contact Sniff Nexø (