museum studies

Universities and their museums

The program for the Universeum Network Meeting in Toulouse, 11-13 June, has eventually been put online. Unfortunately, none of us here at Medical Museion can participate because we are opening our next big exhibition, Split and Splice, on 11 June, so we will miss contribitions like ‘Towards a university research museum?’ (Daniel Raichvarg & Marie-Laure Baudement), ‘Web […]

The program for the Universeum Network Meeting in Toulouse, 11-13 June, has eventually been put online. Unfortunately, none of us here at Medical Museion can participate because we are opening our next big exhibition, Split and Splice, on 11 June, so we will miss contribitions like ‘Towards a university research museum?’ (Daniel Raichvarg & Marie-Laure Baudement), ‘Web archiving and university heritage: Past and future preservation, documentation and annotation of ephemeral collections for research’ (Charles van den Heuvel), ‘When the University creates intangible heritage in the 21st century’ (Marie Depraetere & Nathalie Nyst), ‘Managing the scientific and cultural heritage of a medieval university: The case of Uppsala University’ (John Worley), ‘Progressions towards establishing a Museum of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Leeds’ (Mark Steadman), ‘The “Academic Museum” at the University of Goettingen: The University Collection as a Space of Knowledge Production and Cultural Heritage (Marian Füssel, Dominik Collet & Marie Luisa Allemeyer) — and several others. Read the full program here, and directions for attendence here.