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How do we know what we know? It is a question which is central to our work but which we all think about in different ways.

Peter Stanners is Strategic Communciations Officer at the Medical Museion and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR) and has a background as a journalist and photographer. Peter is interested in how the information that we find in newspapers, websites and social media informs or distorts our view of the world. How can we communicate science better and get at the human stories beneath the noise?

Karin Tybjerg is Associate Professor at the Medical Museion, with a background in history of science and curating. Her research has spanned many topics from physics to the library of Alexandria – but she always wants to understand how theoretical knowledge becomes practical knowledge. How do ideas in the world of mathematics, philosophy, or medicine get translated into our daily lives?

Kristin Hussey is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Medical Museion and CBMR who works as a historian of medicine and curator.  She is interested in how the Victorians made our modern world and inform the medicine and science of today. How are the everyday things we see and do built on knowledge from the past?

Together, tackling the theme of ‘knowledge’ seemed like a logical choice. Thinking critically about what we know and how we know it seemed like the best way to try and make sense of the constantly changing corona virus epidemic. Of course, knowledge changes all the time. Most of the ‘knowledge’ found in our page came from early April to early June 2020, and much may have changed by the time you are reading it. As ever, be sure to find trusted sources for information about corona virus and other diseases from recognized authorities like the Danish Health Ministry and the WHO.